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Finlay the Dinobird

  • Page 1 of 17
    Finlay the Dinobird's Winter Sleep
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    Up on Cloud Cuckoo, Finlay the Dinobird was yawning. ‘I am so tired, ,’ he complained rubbing his eyes and stretching his old bones. You see Finlay was a Dinobird, one of the oldest types of birds up on Cloud Cuckoo. He had lived up on Cloud Cuckoo since the Dinosaurs had roamed the earth.
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    He was so old his face was full of wrinkles and his feathers were grey, . He had green skin , just like a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Finlay was stretching out in the summer sunshine, , following a busy afternoon with his friends.
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    They had eaten a picnic , and now he was feeling rather sleepy underneath the shade of the old Cloud Cuckoo Oak tree. ‘What a lovely day .’ All the birds agreed. ‘I love the summer time .’ he said. He loved the warmth , the sunshine , the flowers and visiting the beach, .

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